The company is located to Castelletto Over Ticino in province of Novara, whose name derives from the presence of a Visconteo Castle near river Ticino.
The territory, comprised between i 197 m and i 317 m of quota, is constituted from a hill amphitheater delimited from the Maggiore Lake and the Ticino river, than in this point it exits from the lake and it continues its course towards to the plain.
This evocative territory still introduces open agricultural areas, woodland natural beauties and historical-artistic beauties in which it dominates to the Rose Mountain.
The municipality is located inside of the Natural Park of the Ticino and in the vicinities we find the Natural Park of the Lagoni di Mercurago.
Interesting the visits from the cities of Arona (NO), Sesto Calende (VA) and Angera (VA).