The honey is the alimentary product, than the bees they produce from the nectar of the flowers. It comes collected in spring and summer, transformed, stored and leave to mature in honeycombs of autumnal and winter the stream bed for reservoir. The honey is made from the bees but produced from the plants, in fact several types of honey exist. The company produces four mono floral types of honey: Acacia, Flora Alpina, Castagno and Tiglio.
ACACIA, From hill zones near Novara. Fluid , lite yellow .
FLORA ALPINA, From High Val Sesia over i 1500 mt. Much delicate one, easy coupling with drinks and foods.
TIGLIO from mountain near Verbano-Cusio Ossola. Taste balsamic, color from amber clearly to dark, yellow amber when it crystallizes.
There are honey pot of 500g and 1000 g.
As food the honey can be seen like a simple sugar source (glucose, fructose) and for this is an energetic food. In this category it is l' only that does not need of no transformation in order to arrive from the nature to our table.